G-Dragon – POWER Easy Lyrics – Letra simplificada

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By Johnnathan Carvalho

G-Dragon - POWER Easy Lyrics - Letra simplificada

When GD’s in the house (übermensch)
When GD’s in the house (übermensch)
When GD’s in the house
When GD’s in the house

Guess who’s back? (It’s our boy GD, yeah, yeah)
Guess who’s back? (It’s our boy GD, yeah, yeah)

Now I got the power
Now I got the power
The power, power-up, power, power
The power, power-up, power, power

eokka jjal peoda syallasyalla hadaga shout out
eókka tchal pôda shála-shála ráda gá shout out

Pump up the power nan jayurowó yap, yap
Pump up the power, nan tcha-yú-ro-wó yap, yap

Do not waste your time, yeah, it’s gotta be me
Do not waste your time, yeah, it’s gotta be me
Prove ‘em all wrong, I’ve got all the receipts
Prove ‘em all wrong, I’ve got all the receipts

I got the power, the power, power-up power
I got the power, the power, power-up power

naneun nadawoso areumdawó yep, yep
náneun náda-wôso a-rûm-da-wó yep, yep

aedeuri nabogo gaekkuriradeogun
aé-dê-ri ná-bô-go ké-kú-rí-rá-do-gún

daetgeul ripeul gwanjong gyaedeul ipteulmakgo
dét-guel rí-pûl kwán-jong kyé-dul íp-têl-má-kô

isedae hanjeongpumi segiui wanseongpum
i-sé-dê hán-jong-pú-mi sé-gi-wí wán-song-púm

(Like a dragonfly) nuul jari geullo balmyeongpum
(Like a dragonfly) nú-ul já-ri gê-ló bál-myông-púm

Hi, hey, how you doin’? My-my name is (called)
Hi, hey, how you doin’? My-my name is (called)
G to the d or G.O.A.T., the livin’ legend (ho!)
G to the d or G.O.A.T., the livin’ legend (ho!)

King is still poppin’ (star) K- dasi
King is still poppin’ (star) K- dá-si

I heard you’ve got the straight flush, hah (whatever)
I heard you’ve got the straight flush, hah (whatever)

He’s for ever royal
He’s for ever royal

I don’t give a swi-it utda kkeut don gibu eok ssi-ik
I don’t give a suí-it út-da kût dôn gi-bu ók sí-ik

gwollyeogonamyong mutgo gwanyong cheonjae jibyeong bulgahangnyeok
kwón-lyó-go ná-myong mút-gó kwán-yong tchon-jé jí-byong bul-gá-hang-nyók

Way too strong, I’ve got that
Way too strong, I’ve got that

Now I got the power
Now I got the power
The power, power-up, power, power
The power, power-up, power, power

eokka jjal peoda syallasyalla hadaga shout out
éokka tchal pô-da shála-shála rá-da gá shout out

Pump up the power nan jayurowó yap, yap
Pump up the power nan tcha-yú-ro-wó yap, yap

Do not waste your time, yeah, it’s gotta be me
Do not waste your time, yeah, it’s gotta be me
Prove ‘em all wrong, I’ve got all the receipts
Prove ‘em all wrong, I’ve got all the receipts

I got the power, the power, power-up power
I got the power, the power, power-up power

naneun nadawoso areumdawó yep, yep
náneun náda-wôso a-rûm-da-wó yep, yep

ildangbaek jiroebat boneobi (born to be)
il-dang-bék tí-roé-bát bô-nó-bi (born to be)

Bang, nothin’ you ain’t know, but a G thang
Bang, nothin’ you ain’t know, but a G thang
But my girl, y’all my brothers (who run the world?)
But my girl, y’all my brothers (who run the world?)
The world is yours
The world is yours

dongseonambuk Asia (mireusiyeo) Europe to Australia (nareusya)
dông-só-nám-búk á-sía (mí-reu-sí-yó) Yó-róp tu áu-stré-lía (ná-reu-shá)

Africa to America (eoseoopsyo)
á-frí-ca tu a-mé-ri-ca (é-o-séo-pshó)

Started from the bottom now, here (arirang)
Started from the bottom now, here (a-ri-rang)

I don’t give a swi-it utda kkeut don gibu eok ssi-ik
I don’t give a suí-it út-da kût dôn gi-bu ók sí-ik

gwollyeogonamyong mutgo gwanyong cheonjae jibyeong bulgahangnyeok
kwón-lyó-go ná-myong mút-gó kwán-yong tchon-jé jí-byong bul-gá-hang-nyók

Way too strong, I’ve got that
Way too strong, I’ve got that

Now I got the power
Now I got the power
The power, power-up, power, power
The power, power-up, power, power

eokka jjal peoda syallasyalla hadaga shout out
éokka tchal pô-da shála-shála rá-da gá shout out

Pump up the power nan jayurowó yap, yap
Pump up the power nan tcha-yú-ro-wó yap, yap

Do not waste your time, yeah, it’s gotta be me
Do not waste your time, yeah, it’s gotta be me
Prove ‘em all wrong, I’ve got all the receipts
Prove ‘em all wrong, I’ve got all the receipts

I got the power, the power, power-up power
I got the power, the power, power-up power

naneun nadawoso areumdawó yep, yep
náneun náda-wôso a-rûm-da-wó yep, yep

I got the power, the power, power, 88 nara
I got the power, the power, power, 88 ná-ra

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